Have-A-Heart-Trap Loan Program

RCHS has a variety of sizes of Have-A-Heart traps which can be loaned out to Rutland County residents. We have traps for small animals, traps for cats and fat cats and three different size traps for dogs.

Please call the Adoption Center at 802.483.6700 ext. 201 to borrow a trap.

When you borrow a trap we will ask for your contact information, phone number and how many days you would like to borrow the trap (typically it's a week). We will also ask for a deposit which will be returned to you when you return the trap to RCHS. The deposit for a cat trap is $100 (per trap) and the deposit for the dog trap is $200 (per trap). These traps are expensive to replace and there are times when they are not returned to us which is why this system is in place. If you don't know how to use a Have-A-Heart trap, our staff will be happy to show you how to set it up and use it.

feral cat caught in humane trap