Animal Cruelty and Neglect

RCHS proudly works as a partner with Rutland County law enforcement on situations involving animal neglect and abuse. RCHS has no law enforcement authority or the resources available to investigate concerns.

If you believe a situation involving an animal is in violation of the law, please file your complaint with the Animal Control Officer (ACO) or with the law enforcement agency that serves the town where the animal is residing. If you don’t know who that person is or which law enforcement agency should be contacted, call the Town Clerk of the town where the animal is residing. We will work with the law enforcement agency to provide support and care for the animals if requested.


If an animal is in immediate danger please contact the local law enforcement agency that covers the town where the animal is located.

Animal cruelty encompasses a range of behaviors from neglect to malicious harm. Most cases of cruelty are unintentional neglect that can be resolved through educating owners and providing resources.
Intentional cruelty or abuse is knowingly depriving an animal of food, water, shelter, socialization, or veterinary care; or maliciously torturing, maiming, mutilating, or killing an animal.

The state of Vermont has specific definitions of animal cruelty, as well as a process for reporting incidents. To learn more about Vermont’s animal cruelty laws visit:

  • VT Statutes: Title 13, Chapter 8 Humane and Proper Treatment of Animals
  • VT Statutes: Title 13, Chapter 9 Animals

As is often the case with laws, what we would like to see is not what the law requires. For example, it is legal in Vermont to leave an animal outside on a chain, day or night. The statutes dictate access to shelter, food, water and exercise as well as length of the chain, but not that the animal come in for the evening, even on cold Vermont nights.

What happens when I report animal cruelty or neglect?

When an animal cruelty or neglect report is made, the town’s ACO or law enforcement agency should visit the animal owner who is the subject of the complaint. In most cases, the ACO first tries to rectify the situation by educating the pet owner about how to provide better care for the animal(s). If the situation does not improve, a ticket may be issued or a search warrant may be obtained. You can remain anonymous anytime you register a report of cruelty or neglect.

What can I do to help?

  • Educate yourself about Vermont’s animal cruelty laws (see links above).
  • Report any suspected case of animal cruelty or neglect to the appropriate agency. Do your research first – an ACO cannot investigate if they don’t have an accurate address.
  • Be active at the town level. Real cruelty or neglect is a crime and, as such, needs to be investigated by law enforcement or an Animal Control Officer. Find out if your town has the means to investigate reports of cruelty and neglect and to enforce the laws. If they don’t, work to ensure your town hires and trains an Animal Control Officer.