Matching Contribution

On July 24 we received from a donor, a matching contribution of $57.52 for the kids lemonade stand contribution to the RCHS.  This afternoon, July 25,  we were informed by Proctor Gas, that if two more donors come forward and each match the kids lemonade stand donation of $57.52, they will also match each contribution by $57.52. Only two donors are needed for a matching contribution total of $115.04.  $57.52 can help spay one cat/kitten to keep it from producing 240,000 kittens during its life time (pyramid algorithm).  $57.52 can help pay for ¼ ton of wood pellets that we use for cat litter.  $57.52 can help pay for rabies vaccine that we use for all cat and dog adoptions. This vaccine is important in protecting the animal, family members, and the community from a terrible and unforgiving disease.  If you’d like to make a donation please click here.  Thanks for your support!